Once you have added the items you wish to purchase to your shopping bag, hover your mouse over the 'Bag' icon in the top right-hand corner, then click on ‘VIEW BAG AND CHECKOUT’. On mobile click on the ‘Bag’ icon to proceed to checkout.
Within the checkout you can update the size, or quantity selected for each item under ‘Size’ or ‘Qty’. Remove unwanted items from your shopping bag by clicking the ‘X’ that appears on the top right-hand side.
If you already have an account with Ever New, you’ll be asked to login using your email address and password. If you’re a new user, you can choose to create an account, or select ‘CHECKOUT AS GUEST’ to proceed as a guest.
Choose your preferred delivery method:
Select ‘Shipping’ to have your order delivered to a designated work or home address.
Select ‘Click and Collect’ to collect your order from your chosen Ever New store.
Fill in the required fields, then select your shipping option. Ever New offers a variety of shipping methods for your convenience, including free standard delivery for all orders over CA$100, or Click and Collect. For further information regarding our shipping information and conditions, please refer to our Delivery and Shipping Information.
Choose your desired payment method and fill in the required fields.
If you have a Promotion Code, enter this in the ‘Promotion Code’ box provided, and select ‘APPLY’ to apply any discounts and update your order total.
If you wish to pay using a Gift Card or Exchange card, select either ‘Gift Card’ or ‘Exchange Card’, enter the card number in the box provided, and select ‘REDEEM’.
Review your order summary, then select ‘PAY NOW’ to pay and complete. Once your payment has been confirmed, an order confirmation will be sent to the email address provided.