Returns take 3-7 business days to reach our warehouse. Once your return is received, your refund request will be processed within 7 business days. We’ll send you an email once we’ve successfully processed your refund, and you should then see the funds appear in your bank account within 3-5 business days.
Returns take 3-7 business days to reach our warehouse. Once your return is received, your exchange request will be processed within 7 business days. You’ll receive an email with tracking information once your new exchange item has been shipped. Standard delivery time is 1-3 business days from receipt of shipment confirmation email.
Refund to an e-gift card
Once approved, your refund will be loaded onto an Ever New e-gift card. You’ll receive a separate email containing your e-gift card number.
Please Note that due to current Canada Post strikes, any return to our warehouse will be delayed, meaning your refund may also be delayed. For a faster return experience, please head into your nearest Ever New store.